This morning there was an article in our Japanese newspaper (see clip; I am aware that not everybody can read the Japanese; sorry).
It says there, that the famous London taxis face a major crisis - the details and background elude me - due to the poor quality of parts manufactured in China.
This can also be found here:
"The company said it was no longer a going concern on Monday after it failed to secure funding from Geely, the Chinese carmaker that owns 20 per cent. This came after the company suspended sales because of a recall of 400 cabs due to problems linked to a Chinese-built component in their steering boxes."
"The steering fault is related to a new component sourced from a new Chinese supplier and installed from earlier this year. The firm says it will seek compensation from the supplier."
Well, China is frequently being called the "workhorse" of Asia (or the world). But considering the fact, that either they DO NOT HAVE any decent craftsmen in that country, or if they do, those craftsmen DO NOT take pride in their work,
it seems to me that all the people opting for cheap (cheapest) Chinese products may have bet on the wrong horse!
I wrote about this before:
AND I have seen parts manufactured in China, ordered by a German manufacturer of coal mills for blast furnaces for a project in Japan (I did the interpretation work). The whole project being worth millions of dollars (!) the parts I saw = crucially important precision bolts and other (VERY expensive!) parts, were thrown thoughtlessly, without any protection into a torn card box.
The calling card of "Made in China".
I think the time is long overdue that people realize: "cheap is NOT best" and "Chinese quality" is definetely not something you can rely on!
Chinese quality - again
Chinese quality,
Chinese maturity test .... continues
Remember my previous notes about the topic:
There I wrote:
But, there is this new wonder slogan:
meaning literally: as long as it is a patriot act, there will be no charges!
Yesterday: drunken boat drivers and toppled cars.
Today: destruction of supermarkets and factories.
Tomorrow: ... let's kill a few people. Its patriotic and therefore no problem!
Well, it is happening already ...
Thursday, Sep. 20, 2012
Suspect arrested in assault on Japanese couple in Hong Kong
I have not followed this, but maybe the man "arrested" has by now been declared a national hero. And since action was most likely a "patriotic act", there will be no charges.
This has been seen before:
the Indians
the Black
the Jews
are not worthy living, subhuman creatures ...
(in modern China they have their variety with different ethnic groups,
not pure blooded Chinese
"mud blood" -> muggle born (see Harry Potter)
or the Arier, pure blooded "Germans" (see Hitler)
The newest fashion: banning or maybe even destroying books
does not show any more maturity.
It's the behavior of the unruly kids in Kindergarten
The "burning of books" has throughout history NEVER done any good to anybody
"The Qin Dynasty also introduced several reforms: currency, weights and measures were standardized, and a better system of writing was established. An attempt to purge all traces of the old dynasties led to the infamous burning of books and burying of scholars incident, ..."
The "strength of the Chinese is not their maturity, intellectual achievements, refinement, "historical facts" or the like ..... it is simply their number, which allows them to overrun everything/everybody else.
Remember the locusts I mentioned in my previous post?
And as I also said before, the world need to think this through a little!
There I wrote:
But, there is this new wonder slogan:
meaning literally: as long as it is a patriot act, there will be no charges!
Yesterday: drunken boat drivers and toppled cars.
Today: destruction of supermarkets and factories.
Tomorrow: ... let's kill a few people. Its patriotic and therefore no problem!
Well, it is happening already ...
Thursday, Sep. 20, 2012
Suspect arrested in assault on Japanese couple in Hong Kong
I have not followed this, but maybe the man "arrested" has by now been declared a national hero. And since action was most likely a "patriotic act", there will be no charges.
This has been seen before:
the Indians
the Black
the Jews
are not worthy living, subhuman creatures ...
(in modern China they have their variety with different ethnic groups,
not pure blooded Chinese
"mud blood" -> muggle born (see Harry Potter)
or the Arier, pure blooded "Germans" (see Hitler)
The newest fashion: banning or maybe even destroying books
does not show any more maturity.
It's the behavior of the unruly kids in Kindergarten
The "burning of books" has throughout history NEVER done any good to anybody
"The Qin Dynasty also introduced several reforms: currency, weights and measures were standardized, and a better system of writing was established. An attempt to purge all traces of the old dynasties led to the infamous burning of books and burying of scholars incident, ..."
The "strength of the Chinese is not their maturity, intellectual achievements, refinement, "historical facts" or the like ..... it is simply their number, which allows them to overrun everything/everybody else.
Remember the locusts I mentioned in my previous post?
And as I also said before, the world need to think this through a little!
Related articles
Senkaku Islands,
China - the maturity test ...
Personally I doubt that the recently displayed behavior of the Chinese people could meet ANY standards for maturity; such as one might want to expect from a place that is today a "global power" ...
Well, I said it before: I don't know much (nothing) about politics.
Therefore, I should probably just shut up, the behavior of our friendly neighbor China really calls for some comments.
One of the triggers of the currently ongoing "anti-Japanese" protests is the quarrel about the Senkaku Islands:
"The collective use of the name "Senkaku" to denote the entire group began with the advent of the controversy in the 1970s."
"The Japanese central government formally annexed the islands on 14 January 1895."
"The islands came under US government occupation in 1945 after the surrender of Japan ended World War II.[17] In 1969, the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE) identified potential oil and gas reserves in the vicinity of the Senkaku Islands.[20] In 1971, the Okinawa Reversion Treaty passed the U.S. Senate, returning the islands to Japanese control in 1972.[21] Also in 1972, the Taiwanese and Chinese governments officially began to declare ownership of the islands.[22]"
So --> The Chinese started to show an interest in this piece of "holy motherland" AFTER oil and gas reserves were found. Isn't that interesting.
How Chinese.
Can they (the Chinese) produce any evidence - and one of those fake documents produced just for this purpose - that they were just in love with these pieces of rock since ancient times and therefore have now the "God given right" to destroy everything Japanese in their path?
I would encourage everybody in the global community to make their own judgement.
The Chinese also "NEED" this islands and the waters around them for fishing.
Naturally, since they have fished their own waters virtually dry, leaving a marine wasteland.
Now they have to move on to exploit other places.
Sounds like the locust plague to me.(
Billions of locust (Chinese) swarm all over the place and devour everything ...
"The Meiji government incorporated the Senkaku Islands into Okinawa Prefecture in 1895 after it had confirmed that the islands were not under the control of the Qing Dynasty"
"The intrusion occurred on 10 November, Japanese time (UTC+9). The submarine was quickly spotted by Japan's Self-Defence Forces and was tracked by helicopter as it wandered in Japanese waters for two hours before moving north-west. International law requires a tracked submarine to surface and identify its nationality in times of peace; the submarine did not do so."
BUT ... what would happen, if this were the other way round: a Japanese (or other) submarine entering Chinese waters ...???
Just imagine all the canons fires ...
Again, this probably "only natural" for the Chinese.
After all, their great leader put it so eloquently
* 枪杆子里面出政权
* "Every Communist must grasp the truth: Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."
And since China means literally "central country", the Chinese most obviously assume, that they are the center of the world and have both the right and obligation to take and do as they see fit.
This finds another wonderful expression.
Remember the drunk boat driver who rammed a Japanese coat guard boat and was later declared a hero?
Or the lunatics from Hongkong jumping onto the above mentioned Islands, who were after their deportation to Hongkong shown on TV celebrating and drining champaign?
Those people that attacked a Japanese embassy car?
And todays news: anti-Japanese demonstrations going wild, destroying lots of Japanese properties. Like supermarkets. Only the customers there were Chinese ...
But, there is this new wonder slogan:
meaning literally: as long as it is a patriot act, there will be no charges!
The legacy of Mao Zedong in its purest form!
Yesterday: drunken boat drivers and toppled cars.
Today: destruction of supermarkets and factories.
Tomorrow: ... let's kill a few people. Its patriotic and therefore no problem!
Think this through yourself. The picture should not be so difficult to see ...
< The reasons that pundits give for Beijing’s bellicosity range from its appetite for the natural resources of the South China Sea to its desire to look tough amid an uncertain leadership transition and to stir some nationalist fervor at home (witness the violent anti-Japanese protests on the mainland during the weekend) to its irritation at what it thinks is Washington’s interference in its backyard. At a regional conference two years ago, in remarks now often cited as a sign of China’s unilateral ambitions in the South China Sea, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi infamously declared the body of water to be a “core national interest,” adding: “China is a big country and other countries are small countries, and that is just a fact.”>
Well, that naturally leads straight to those locusts mentioned above.
In light of these cute tendencies, please reconsider when China claims to "preserve natural resources, maintain peace and contribute to the development of the world at large.
How can a country that is basically ego-centric, as the country's name itself implies, ever have such altruistic fits ...???
I could go on forever and actually published my personal opinions here before, but ... I don't know nothing ...
(in English)
(this one is in Japanese)
Well, I said it before: I don't know much (nothing) about politics.
Therefore, I should probably just shut up, the behavior of our friendly neighbor China really calls for some comments.
One of the triggers of the currently ongoing "anti-Japanese" protests is the quarrel about the Senkaku Islands:
"The collective use of the name "Senkaku" to denote the entire group began with the advent of the controversy in the 1970s."
"The Japanese central government formally annexed the islands on 14 January 1895."
"The islands came under US government occupation in 1945 after the surrender of Japan ended World War II.[17] In 1969, the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE) identified potential oil and gas reserves in the vicinity of the Senkaku Islands.[20] In 1971, the Okinawa Reversion Treaty passed the U.S. Senate, returning the islands to Japanese control in 1972.[21] Also in 1972, the Taiwanese and Chinese governments officially began to declare ownership of the islands.[22]"
So --> The Chinese started to show an interest in this piece of "holy motherland" AFTER oil and gas reserves were found. Isn't that interesting.
How Chinese.
Can they (the Chinese) produce any evidence - and one of those fake documents produced just for this purpose - that they were just in love with these pieces of rock since ancient times and therefore have now the "God given right" to destroy everything Japanese in their path?
I would encourage everybody in the global community to make their own judgement.
The Chinese also "NEED" this islands and the waters around them for fishing.
Naturally, since they have fished their own waters virtually dry, leaving a marine wasteland.
Now they have to move on to exploit other places.
Sounds like the locust plague to me.(
Billions of locust (Chinese) swarm all over the place and devour everything ...
"The Meiji government incorporated the Senkaku Islands into Okinawa Prefecture in 1895 after it had confirmed that the islands were not under the control of the Qing Dynasty"
"The intrusion occurred on 10 November, Japanese time (UTC+9). The submarine was quickly spotted by Japan's Self-Defence Forces and was tracked by helicopter as it wandered in Japanese waters for two hours before moving north-west. International law requires a tracked submarine to surface and identify its nationality in times of peace; the submarine did not do so."
Just imagine all the canons fires ...
Again, this probably "only natural" for the Chinese.
After all, their great leader put it so eloquently
* 枪杆子里面出政权
* "Every Communist must grasp the truth: Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."
And since China means literally "central country", the Chinese most obviously assume, that they are the center of the world and have both the right and obligation to take and do as they see fit.
This finds another wonderful expression.
Remember the drunk boat driver who rammed a Japanese coat guard boat and was later declared a hero?
Or the lunatics from Hongkong jumping onto the above mentioned Islands, who were after their deportation to Hongkong shown on TV celebrating and drining champaign?
Those people that attacked a Japanese embassy car?
And todays news: anti-Japanese demonstrations going wild, destroying lots of Japanese properties. Like supermarkets. Only the customers there were Chinese ...
But, there is this new wonder slogan:
meaning literally: as long as it is a patriot act, there will be no charges!
The legacy of Mao Zedong in its purest form!
Yesterday: drunken boat drivers and toppled cars.
Today: destruction of supermarkets and factories.
Tomorrow: ... let's kill a few people. Its patriotic and therefore no problem!
Think this through yourself. The picture should not be so difficult to see ...
< The reasons that pundits give for Beijing’s bellicosity range from its appetite for the natural resources of the South China Sea to its desire to look tough amid an uncertain leadership transition and to stir some nationalist fervor at home (witness the violent anti-Japanese protests on the mainland during the weekend) to its irritation at what it thinks is Washington’s interference in its backyard. At a regional conference two years ago, in remarks now often cited as a sign of China’s unilateral ambitions in the South China Sea, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi infamously declared the body of water to be a “core national interest,” adding: “China is a big country and other countries are small countries, and that is just a fact.”>
Well, that naturally leads straight to those locusts mentioned above.
In light of these cute tendencies, please reconsider when China claims to "preserve natural resources, maintain peace and contribute to the development of the world at large.
How can a country that is basically ego-centric, as the country's name itself implies, ever have such altruistic fits ...???
I could go on forever and actually published my personal opinions here before, but ... I don't know nothing ...
(in English)
(this one is in Japanese)
Related articles
Anti-Japanese sentiment,
Mao Zedong,
Senkaku Islands,
No Gold for Japanese Judo ... identity crisis
This has been in the news here in Japan all over. Sometimes it is called a disgrace, sometimes designated as "a shock to the population".
Well, the other day I wrote a little text in Japanese about my personal view of the "identity" of the Japanese people (
I believe, it is precisely this "loss of identity" - you may call it also fuzziness - of the Japanese that led to this result.
In my field of activity = acupuncture, I have been trying to tell the Japanese people, patients, practitioners, leaders of organizations and I even wrote a letter to the government, that the Japanese should take more pride in their traditional skills, techniques, customs, achievements etc.
Here with the example of Judo (I started my own "martial arts life" with Judo) the TV shows something that looks MUCH more like wrestling than Judo to me. The Japanese (martial) "art" of Judo has been "westernized".
Then a commentator or a newspaper mentioned somewhere, that athlete XXX gave up his/her (!) adherence to certain ideals/concepts in order pursue "winning".
That is a shame.
At least to me. Forsaking the "way" to win a competition. For money and fame.
To my mind all "Olympia drivin" = meaning in the interest of "sports".
If Judo = the soft WAY, which is a part of elementary education throughout the country, where every prefecture has a state/prefecturally funded public practice hall = dojo
is allowed to be pushed down a road of mere atheltic competition .....
I believe the Japanese have lost - or rather forsaken themselves - an essential part of their spiritual heritage.
A very unfortunate trend that pervades many areas of life and makes me very sad.
But then again, many (Japanese) people would object: "What do YOU know. You are just another "gaijin" (= foreigner) who does not understand anything.
And they are probably right.
It is only, that I DO have this opinion of mine ....
Well, the other day I wrote a little text in Japanese about my personal view of the "identity" of the Japanese people (
I believe, it is precisely this "loss of identity" - you may call it also fuzziness - of the Japanese that led to this result.
In my field of activity = acupuncture, I have been trying to tell the Japanese people, patients, practitioners, leaders of organizations and I even wrote a letter to the government, that the Japanese should take more pride in their traditional skills, techniques, customs, achievements etc.
Here with the example of Judo (I started my own "martial arts life" with Judo) the TV shows something that looks MUCH more like wrestling than Judo to me. The Japanese (martial) "art" of Judo has been "westernized".
Then a commentator or a newspaper mentioned somewhere, that athlete XXX gave up his/her (!) adherence to certain ideals/concepts in order pursue "winning".
That is a shame.
At least to me. Forsaking the "way" to win a competition. For money and fame.
To my mind all "Olympia drivin" = meaning in the interest of "sports".
If Judo = the soft WAY, which is a part of elementary education throughout the country, where every prefecture has a state/prefecturally funded public practice hall = dojo
is allowed to be pushed down a road of mere atheltic competition .....
I believe the Japanese have lost - or rather forsaken themselves - an essential part of their spiritual heritage.
A very unfortunate trend that pervades many areas of life and makes me very sad.
But then again, many (Japanese) people would object: "What do YOU know. You are just another "gaijin" (= foreigner) who does not understand anything.
And they are probably right.
It is only, that I DO have this opinion of mine ....
Related articles
Martial arts,
Olympic Games,
soft way,
spiritual heritage,
Akupunktur - Tradition im Ausverkauf ...
Akupunktur hat in Japan inzwischen eine etwa 1500-jährige Tradition. Gemeinsam mit der Kampo genannten "chinesischen Medizin" (zum Einnehmen) wie sie in Japan verwendet wird und sich somit von der "chinesischen Medizin" in China unterscheidet, bildeten diese Formen der orientalischen Medizin, wiederum natürlich in Verbindung mit den verschiedensten Formen der Volksmedizin, für 1350 Jahre die Hauptströmung der medizinischen Versorgung in Japan. Es gab ja nichts anderes. Die "westliche Medizin" ist hierzulande erst seit ca. 150 Jahren verfügbar und wurde von den zuständigen Regierungsbehörden über den besagten Zeitraum als "einzig wahre Medizin" verbreitet.
Zwischenzeitlich gab es ja auch bekannterweise offizielle (von Regierungsseite) Versuche, die orientalische Medizin vollständig abzuschaffen / verbieten.
Wie dem auch sei, jedenfalls handelt es sich hier um richtig "gediegenes" Handwerk mit der besagten 1500-jährigen Tradition. Diese Form der medizinischen Versorung hat sich über 1500 Jahre wieder und immer wieder bewährt und als wirksam erwiesen.
Daher sollte es heutzutage eigentlich überhaupt nicht erforderlich sein, für diese Behandlungsform Werbung zu machen.
Dachte ich.
Weit gefehlt.
Sogenannte "orientalische Medizin" - wobei ich dabei häufig nicht weiss, wovon überhaupt geredet wird - ist im Moment gerade große Mode. Das heißt, es gibt unzählige Leute, die eine Lizenz erwerben und dann exotische, neuartige Therapieformen praktizieren.
Während Akupunktur fast immer vollständig vom Patienten getragen werden muss, können sich Kliniken zum Knocheneinrichten (Sekkotsuin) auf ihr Schild schreiben, dass darin ALLE Arten von Versicherung akzeptiert werden. Folglich gehen die meisten Patienten Heute zu den Sekkotsuin, wo sie für eine Behandlung ca. 5 Euro zahlen und nicht zum Akupunkteur, wo die Behandlung 40 Euro kostet.
Diese Sekkotsuin laufen entsprechend gut, so dass sie buchstäblich wie die Pilze aus dem Boden schießen. Rund um meine Praxis herum natürlich aus. Traditionelle Verhaltensweisen, wie sich vor Eröffnung einer solchen Klinik bei den bereits laufenden Kliniken vorzustellen, sind inzwischen VÖLLIG ausgestorben. Ich habe das bei Eröffnung meiner Klinik damals noch gemacht ...
Massenweise "Billigware" als Konkurrenz führt dann (natürlich) dazu, dass meine Klinik immer schlechter läuft. Auch wenn ich mich noch NIE darum bemüht habe, hier "Geld zu machen*", stört mich dies dann doch.
* ( (auf Japanisch)
Vor kurzem habe ich einmal versucht, mich nach eine Teilzeitbeschäftigung als Akupunkteur hier in Japan umzusehen. Akupunkturkliniken, die nach Personal suchen, habe ich eigentlich noch nie gesehen. Immer nur die besagten Kliniken zum Knocheneinrichten, oder aber Orthopädiekliniken, die irgendwo einen sogenannten Rehabilitationsraum mit haufenweise Maschinen/Geräten haben, durch den vormittags etwa 100 "Patienten" geschleust werden müssen, damit es sich bezahlt macht. (Das haben mir die Leute in diesen Kliniken selbst gesagt.) Die Aufgabe des Akupunkteurs besteht dann darin, die Leute an irgendeine dieser Maschinen anzuschließen, den Zeitschalter auf 10 Minuten einzustellen und danach die Leute wieder freizusetzen.
Bei meinen kürzlichen Versuchen zeigte sich, dass die Bezahlung für Personen mit einer Akupunkturlizenz bei etwa 900-1000 Yen/Stunde (ca. 9-10 Euro) liegt. Das ist die gleiche Bezahlung, die absolut ungelerntes Personal im "Convenience Store" oder an der Tankstelle bekommen.
30 Jahre Übung, Studieren, klinische Praxis sind also buchstäblich ***NICHTS*** wert. Denn Leute, die überhaupt nicht studiert und/oder gar keinen Beruf erlernt haben, bekommen das gleiche! Dann frage ich mich, wozu die 30 Jahre Bemühungen den eigentlich gut waren. Und darauf folgt auch wieder die Frage: Warum soll ich diese Arbeit überhaupt machen?
Aus Stellenanzeigen ist ersichtlich, dass Krankenpfleger in der Regel offenbar 1500-2000 Yen/Stunde erhalten und auch ein gewöhnlicher Zimmermann verdient mindestens so viel wenn nicht mehr.
Hierzu gibt es nun sicherlich zahlreiche Ansichten, Denkansätze etc. aber ich persönlich habe zunächst einmal den Eindruck, dass hier ein äußerst fundiertes Handwerk mit 1500 Jahre Tradition einfach nur für Dumm verkauft wird - im Ausverkauf als Ramsch auf dem Grabbeltisch angeboten.
Irgendwann werden die Leute = Patienten aber unter Umständen merken, dass die Billigware nicht unbedingt immer von der besten Qualität ist .....
Zwischenzeitlich gab es ja auch bekannterweise offizielle (von Regierungsseite) Versuche, die orientalische Medizin vollständig abzuschaffen / verbieten.
Wie dem auch sei, jedenfalls handelt es sich hier um richtig "gediegenes" Handwerk mit der besagten 1500-jährigen Tradition. Diese Form der medizinischen Versorung hat sich über 1500 Jahre wieder und immer wieder bewährt und als wirksam erwiesen.
Daher sollte es heutzutage eigentlich überhaupt nicht erforderlich sein, für diese Behandlungsform Werbung zu machen.
Dachte ich.
Weit gefehlt.
Sogenannte "orientalische Medizin" - wobei ich dabei häufig nicht weiss, wovon überhaupt geredet wird - ist im Moment gerade große Mode. Das heißt, es gibt unzählige Leute, die eine Lizenz erwerben und dann exotische, neuartige Therapieformen praktizieren.
Während Akupunktur fast immer vollständig vom Patienten getragen werden muss, können sich Kliniken zum Knocheneinrichten (Sekkotsuin) auf ihr Schild schreiben, dass darin ALLE Arten von Versicherung akzeptiert werden. Folglich gehen die meisten Patienten Heute zu den Sekkotsuin, wo sie für eine Behandlung ca. 5 Euro zahlen und nicht zum Akupunkteur, wo die Behandlung 40 Euro kostet.
Diese Sekkotsuin laufen entsprechend gut, so dass sie buchstäblich wie die Pilze aus dem Boden schießen. Rund um meine Praxis herum natürlich aus. Traditionelle Verhaltensweisen, wie sich vor Eröffnung einer solchen Klinik bei den bereits laufenden Kliniken vorzustellen, sind inzwischen VÖLLIG ausgestorben. Ich habe das bei Eröffnung meiner Klinik damals noch gemacht ...
Massenweise "Billigware" als Konkurrenz führt dann (natürlich) dazu, dass meine Klinik immer schlechter läuft. Auch wenn ich mich noch NIE darum bemüht habe, hier "Geld zu machen*", stört mich dies dann doch.
* ( (auf Japanisch)
Vor kurzem habe ich einmal versucht, mich nach eine Teilzeitbeschäftigung als Akupunkteur hier in Japan umzusehen. Akupunkturkliniken, die nach Personal suchen, habe ich eigentlich noch nie gesehen. Immer nur die besagten Kliniken zum Knocheneinrichten, oder aber Orthopädiekliniken, die irgendwo einen sogenannten Rehabilitationsraum mit haufenweise Maschinen/Geräten haben, durch den vormittags etwa 100 "Patienten" geschleust werden müssen, damit es sich bezahlt macht. (Das haben mir die Leute in diesen Kliniken selbst gesagt.) Die Aufgabe des Akupunkteurs besteht dann darin, die Leute an irgendeine dieser Maschinen anzuschließen, den Zeitschalter auf 10 Minuten einzustellen und danach die Leute wieder freizusetzen.
Bei meinen kürzlichen Versuchen zeigte sich, dass die Bezahlung für Personen mit einer Akupunkturlizenz bei etwa 900-1000 Yen/Stunde (ca. 9-10 Euro) liegt. Das ist die gleiche Bezahlung, die absolut ungelerntes Personal im "Convenience Store" oder an der Tankstelle bekommen.
30 Jahre Übung, Studieren, klinische Praxis sind also buchstäblich ***NICHTS*** wert. Denn Leute, die überhaupt nicht studiert und/oder gar keinen Beruf erlernt haben, bekommen das gleiche! Dann frage ich mich, wozu die 30 Jahre Bemühungen den eigentlich gut waren. Und darauf folgt auch wieder die Frage: Warum soll ich diese Arbeit überhaupt machen?
Aus Stellenanzeigen ist ersichtlich, dass Krankenpfleger in der Regel offenbar 1500-2000 Yen/Stunde erhalten und auch ein gewöhnlicher Zimmermann verdient mindestens so viel wenn nicht mehr.
Hierzu gibt es nun sicherlich zahlreiche Ansichten, Denkansätze etc. aber ich persönlich habe zunächst einmal den Eindruck, dass hier ein äußerst fundiertes Handwerk mit 1500 Jahre Tradition einfach nur für Dumm verkauft wird - im Ausverkauf als Ramsch auf dem Grabbeltisch angeboten.
Irgendwann werden die Leute = Patienten aber unter Umständen merken, dass die Billigware nicht unbedingt immer von der besten Qualität ist .....
The "smart phone vision"
![]() |
The visual perception - Photography Course - Lesson 17 (Photo credit: Marco Crupi Visual Artist) |
Unfortunately - in my opinion - not for the better.
Nowadays ***EVERYBODY*** seems to be clutching one of those devices, regardless of whether they are Apple products or not. People standing, sitting, walking, riding the train, having lunch, or - this is my favorite! - a man peeing in a public toilet ..... just about ***EVERYBODY*** is starring at those pathetically small screens, voluntarily (???) limiting their respective "vision" to a distance of 30 cm. Thereby they may be "loosing sight" of people standing 1 m away.
People walk around town while staring at this 30 cm-distance and if other people are not careful, they will be literally "run over" by the effects of this wonderful technical innnovation.
Vision =>
* [uncountable] the ability to think about and plan for the future, using intelligence and imagination, especially in politics and business
* [countable] someone’s idea or hope of how something should be done, or how it will be in the future (e.g., a vision of a utopian society without money)
* [uncountable] the ability to see
The "vision" behind these products seems to obstruct the vision of the masses. Literally in the sense of "ability to see" (beyond the screen) and maybe less obviously but still with little disguise "the ability to think about and plan for the future".
It appears, that this thing does not limit its malicious attack on human freedom to vision alone, but it seems to offer a music player too, so that people stuff their ears with strange little things they call "ear phones", thereby effectively disabling a very sensitive telemetry system supposed to detect intelligence about far away, probably invisible things/events.
If you now add "not speaking" to the "not seeing" and "not hearing" features, you end up with the "three wise monkeys" ...
In an extended interpretation: don’t look at what is going on, don’t listen at what is going on and do not talk (back) about what is going on …
The profile of the perfect citizen of any society – with the exception of Utopia maybe -
Was that maybe the original intent?
“Foreign studies” in Japan
Image via Wikipedia |
Well, while this about a sort of “personal endeavor”, it is not really about me, but rather about Japan. And I definitely DO NOT have any qualifications that would make me a legitimate representative of Japan.
But, …
I have now lived in this country for 33 years, but only 22 years in my “home country” Germany. That means, I spent more than half of my live in Japan.
While my original purpose to come here was Japanese archery (Kyudo), I entered a vocational school for acupuncture here, obtained my licenses something like 28 years ago and for 17 years now run my own little (microscopic!) clinic.
Personally I believe, that Japan is a sort of “treasure island” in regard to variety and amount of information, skills, technical know-how etc. when it comes to ORIENTAL MEDICINE. I prefer the term “oriental medicine” over “Chinese medicine”, because it suggests, that there are also other possibilities/views than the state-sanctioned, uniform (the Chinese like to call that sometimes “standardized”) and thus rather dull single pattern TCM. Many people do argue about it, but I am always under the impression, that here in Japan there are as many “styles” as there are practitioners.
While the Chinese vigorously pursue their declared goal of achieving “world domination” in regard to the “intellectual property” of Chinese medicine, the Japanese people on the other hand appear to be somewhat handicapped: first, they are rather shy = are not much interested in “speaking up”; second (related to the first aspect), they seem to suffer from an inferiority complex, because they are not good (at all!) at English and third, they themselves have not very much ambition to present themselves to the world.
Yet, you can rest assured, that in addition to ALL the information pertaining to acupuncture available in China, there is a tremendous amount of additional information available. While I would be VERY cautious when viewing so-called scientific reports originating in China, there is usually MUCH LESS likelihood, that (scientific or otherwise) reports from Japan are outright fake or at least highly questionable. This does not rule out, that some people have opinions that oppose those of other people and a quarrel about right or wrong would be rather futile here.
I have been trying to convince the Japanese people for something like 20 years now, that they should make more of their information, including books, magazines etc., available to the world – meaning they should prepare at least summaries in western languages like English, German, French, Spanish etc. So far, I had very little success.
I do have a little website of my own (with many flaws, because I am not very computer savy):
Most of it is in Japanese, but there are also German and English sections. And these were the trigger for my above mentioned endeavor. Occasionally foreigners stumble across my pages on their search about information on Japan. It then happens, that I am asked about possible sites/occasions to study a little about acupuncture in Japan. Unfortunately, I am not a very social person and therefore know only few people, who would be willing to help out.
Maybe my constant bugging has contributed to lead to an “official decision” to promote acceptance of foreigners in Japan on the general assembly of the JSAM 4-5 years ago … but nothing much has happened since.
The way I see things, and some of my efforts are detailed here:
or also in blog entries … -a-chance/ … e-excuses/
Last year, during the great earthquake Australian visitors were here and one is going to return this year. Incredible! … le-return/
As I said, personally I would love to see the “Japanese way of acupuncture” find a greater audience in the world.
Even if no one here actually has any intention of coming to Japan (that is just fine!), maybe if there were once in a while inquiries as to the possibility of learning (as a foreigner) about acupuncture in Japan, or shadowing in clinics … maybe the Japanese people would finally become a little more stimulated/motivated to actually SHARE some of their very valuable material.
You could try for example the website of the The Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (jsam):
Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion -> -> (ask for: Mr. Hirokazu Inami)
Japan Acupuncture & Moxibustion Association -> ->
Tel:03-3985-6771 Fax:03-3985-6622 (no English page):
If it should prove helpful, please feel free to mention, that you learned about the above mentioned websites through my website (the page about “foreign studies”).
I believe, there is an abundance of material AND techniques probably better suited for western people than a major part the Chinese style.
In case this is completely off course here, I would like to beg your pardon and apologize again.
Greetings from Japan
Related articles
- International Standard of TCM (
- Foreign Studies 1: Little progress ... or rather regression (
einmal sieht sich die Menschheit der Bedrohung durch einen Feind
ausgesetzt der so klein ist, dass man ihn nur unter dem Mikroskop
erkennen kann. Und obwohl die Gefahr beim besten Willen nicht leicht
genommen werden darf, Aufregung im Angesicht dieser Gefahr kann das
Urteilsvermögen beeinträchtigen.
gibt es offenbar kein "spezifisch wirksames" Wundermittel gegen diese
Krankheit. Außerdem ist der Virus in der Lage sich selbst ständig zu
verändern und weiterentwickeln. Wenn dem so ist, könnte es durchaus eine
gute Idee sein, sich auf Therapieformen zu beziehen, die auf eine
mehrere Jahrtausende überstreckende Tradition wirksamer Behandlung
zurückblicken können: zum Beispiel die Moxibustion.
Das die Moxibustion die
menschliche Immunfunktion "nicht-spezifisch" stimuliert, ist inzwischen
über jeden Zweifel erhaben nachgewiesen worden. Jetzt darauf warten,
dass man krank wird, um sich dann mit modernen Medikamenten behandeln zu
lassen, deren Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit nicht unbedingt erwiesen ist,
scheint mir persönlich keine sehr weise Entscheidung zu sein. Außerdem
würde es mich nicht wundern, wenn neben den bereits kommerziell
erhältlichen modernen Medikamenten die Chinesen mit ihrem wunderbar
kapitalistischen Sinn fürs Geschäft in Kürze mit einer "neu entwickelten
und hochspezifisch wirksamen" (vermutlich auch nicht sehr billigen)
chinesiche Medizin auf den Markt bringen. Ich kann mich daran erinnern,
dass dies bei der SARS Epedemie auch so war.
Nun, warum dann nicht einmal die extrem billige und dabei gleichzeitig von Jedermann zu Hause durchführbare Moxibustion ausprobieren?
Dies wird mit Sicherheit NICHT geschäftlich interessant sein, aber für
Alle, die ernsthaft um die Gesundheit der Menschen besorgt sind, ist
dies eine Therapieform, die einmal in Erwägung gezogen werden sollte!
Deutscher Akupunkteur in Japan
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
(Ein die Hände betreffender Auszug aus einem Brief an eine alte Bekannte ...)
Nach orientalischer Ansicht haben alle Dinge dieser Welt ein bestimmtes Niveau einer Energie, die (übertragen aus dem chinesischen im englischen Sprachgebrauch gewöhnlich) "Qi" genannt wird. Ohne Energie kein Dasein - eine Vorstellung die ausgezeichnet zu den Konzepten der Quantenphysik passt. Diese Energie liegt in belebten und unbelebten Dingen natürlich unterschiedlicher Form und Intensität vor. Darunter gibt es ferner auch das "Qi der Krankheit" und das "Qi der Gesundheit" - der Umgang mit diesen Energieformen bildet eine der Grundlagen der orientalischen Medizin.
Für meine Arbeit als Akupunkteur ist es nun im Prinzip erforderlich, dass ich einerseits das "Qi der Krankheit" von den Patienten aufnehme und ableite und andererseits ihnen mein (sofern vorhanden) "Qi der Gesundheit" zufließen lasse.
Dies funktioniert NUR, wenn die Hände entspannt sind. Ich erkläre diesen Umstand meinen Patienten immer gern wie folgt: die Hände sind wie ein Telefon. Um die Stimme des Anderen zu hören, muss man den Hörer abnehmen und zuhören. Zum Antworten spricht man dann ins Mikrofon.
Wenn Patienten nun eine nicht unerhebliche Menge unerwünschtes "Qi der Krankheit" in sich einschließen, gleichzeitig aber auch durch einen Mangel an "Qi der Gesundheit"geprägt sind, kommt es zu phyischen oder seelischen Krankheiten. Ein solches Ungleichgewicht lässt sich hervorragend zum Beispiel am Meer ausgleichen.
Am Meer die ** völlig entspannten Hände** (dies ist wichtig!) mit den Handflächen auf das Meer richten, und mit dem Ausatmen (sich / es) eher "gehen lassen" als "herausdrücken" - das Qi in Richtung Meer ausfließen lassen. Dann anders herum, wieder mit ** völlig entspannten Händen**, versuchen das Meer zu "fühlen". Als Mutter alles Lebens hat das Meer eine **SEHR VIEL** Qi! Und wenn es außerdem noch windig ist und große Wellen gibt: dann wird da eine enorme Menge **kinetischer Energie** fühlenbar: eine 2-300 m lange, vielleicht 1-2 m hohe Welle stellt vermutlich mehrere tausend (zehntausend!) Tonnen Masse dar, die dort ganz elegant bewegt werden.
Es wäre einen Versuch wert, ohne spezielle Absichten die Hände über alle möglichen Dinge zu halten (NICHT direkt berühren!) und sich dann fragen ob dabei Unterschiede gespürt werden. Ein Stück Glas oder Stahl sollte sich jedoch völlig anders anfühlen als zum Beispiel eine lebende Pflanze. Empfehlung: üben mit den Händen (nicht mit dem Kopf) telefonischen Kontakt zur Welt aufzunehmen. Dies könnte zu völlig neuen und unerwarteten "Einsichten" führen.
Im deutschen Sprachgebrauch heißt es vermutlich nicht ganz zufällig "be-greifen", wenn man davon spricht, die Welt zu verstehen ...
Stop ACTA & TPP!
Again - so-called "legitimate" attack on the "freedom of speech" - maybe more appropriately freedom of thought.
From the website:
Protests Break Out Across Europe Saturday! Join Us to Stop ACTA & TPP!
Stop ACTA & TPP: Tell your country's officials: NEVER use secretive trade agreements to meddle with the Internet. Our freedoms depend on it!
( I signed it! )
I am very concerned about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement currently being negotiated by the Office of the United States Trade Representative.
In an internet age, changes to copyright enforcement or online commerce can have devastating effects on individual freedom and the prosperity of entire industries. The resounding defeat of SOPA & PIPA in Congress show that the public demands a say in any new policy that impacts the future of the internet.
When Congress listens to the people and rejects one-sided tech policy, it's wrong and anti-democratic for unelected officials to move forward with similar policy in trade agreements, especially when these trade agreements are negotiated in secret, giving special access to politically-connected industries while public interest groups are locked out.
Any changes in these areas should only be made by Congress, with vigorous public debate. You should drop any changes to copyright, online commerce, or information policy from TPP immediately.
Please reply with any questions.
6 Reasons to oppose ACTA
ACTA locks countries into obsolete copyright and patent laws. If a democracy decides on less restrictive laws that reflect the reality of the internet, ACTA will prevent that.
ACTA criminalizes users by making noncommercial, harmless remixes into crimes if "on a commercial scale" (art 2.14.1). Many amateur works achieve a commercial scale on sites like Youtube. ACTA, like SOPA, could mean jail time for the Justin Biebers of the world.
ACTA Criminalizes legitimate websites, making them responsible for user behavior by "aiding and abetting". (art 2.14.4). Like SOPA, the founders of your favorite sites could be sued or (worse) thrown in jail for copyright infringement by their users.
ACTA will let rightsholders use laughably inflated claims of damages (based on the disproven idea that every download or stream is a lost sale) to sue people. As if suing amazing artists, video makers and websites for millions wasn't hard enough!
ACTA Permanently bypasses democracy by giving the "ACTA Committee" the power to "propose amendments to [ACTA]" (art 6.4). In other words, voting for ACTA writes a blank check to an unelected committee. These closed-door proceedings will be a playground for SOPA-supporters like the MPAA.
Trade agreements are a gaping loophole, a backdoor track that, even though it creates new law, is miles removed from democracy. It's a secretive process that's tailor-made to serve politically connected companies. And the movie studios behind SOPA? They're experts at it. If we can't make secretive trade agreements harder to pass than US law, our internet's future belongs to the lobbyists behind SOPA.
From La Quadrature du Net
From the website:
Protests Break Out Across Europe Saturday! Join Us to Stop ACTA & TPP!
Stop ACTA & TPP: Tell your country's officials: NEVER use secretive trade agreements to meddle with the Internet. Our freedoms depend on it!
( I signed it! )
I am very concerned about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement currently being negotiated by the Office of the United States Trade Representative.
In an internet age, changes to copyright enforcement or online commerce can have devastating effects on individual freedom and the prosperity of entire industries. The resounding defeat of SOPA & PIPA in Congress show that the public demands a say in any new policy that impacts the future of the internet.
When Congress listens to the people and rejects one-sided tech policy, it's wrong and anti-democratic for unelected officials to move forward with similar policy in trade agreements, especially when these trade agreements are negotiated in secret, giving special access to politically-connected industries while public interest groups are locked out.
Any changes in these areas should only be made by Congress, with vigorous public debate. You should drop any changes to copyright, online commerce, or information policy from TPP immediately.
Please reply with any questions.
6 Reasons to oppose ACTA
ACTA locks countries into obsolete copyright and patent laws. If a democracy decides on less restrictive laws that reflect the reality of the internet, ACTA will prevent that.
ACTA criminalizes users by making noncommercial, harmless remixes into crimes if "on a commercial scale" (art 2.14.1). Many amateur works achieve a commercial scale on sites like Youtube. ACTA, like SOPA, could mean jail time for the Justin Biebers of the world.
ACTA Criminalizes legitimate websites, making them responsible for user behavior by "aiding and abetting". (art 2.14.4). Like SOPA, the founders of your favorite sites could be sued or (worse) thrown in jail for copyright infringement by their users.
ACTA will let rightsholders use laughably inflated claims of damages (based on the disproven idea that every download or stream is a lost sale) to sue people. As if suing amazing artists, video makers and websites for millions wasn't hard enough!
ACTA Permanently bypasses democracy by giving the "ACTA Committee" the power to "propose amendments to [ACTA]" (art 6.4). In other words, voting for ACTA writes a blank check to an unelected committee. These closed-door proceedings will be a playground for SOPA-supporters like the MPAA.
Trade agreements are a gaping loophole, a backdoor track that, even though it creates new law, is miles removed from democracy. It's a secretive process that's tailor-made to serve politically connected companies. And the movie studios behind SOPA? They're experts at it. If we can't make secretive trade agreements harder to pass than US law, our internet's future belongs to the lobbyists behind SOPA.
From La Quadrature du Net
Apparently the US government - with the help or on initiative of large companies/commercial enterprises - is trying to implement censorship to the information available on the internet.
That sounds PRECISELY like the enhanced censorship the Chinese government has annnounced to apply to their equivalents of twitter etc. (this was on the regular news today) "to protect the society from bad influences".
Sure! Meaning: further enforcing censorship of opinions opposed to the "communist" dictatorship.
Implementing censorship (I can image that for example Microsoft would LOVE to do that!!!) could result in the following. The beginning of the Hippocratic oath censored ->
The Hippocratic Oath
(Original Version)
I've censored the following, in protest of a bill that gives any corporation and the US government the power to censor the internet--a bill that could pass THIS WEEK. To see the uncensored text, and to stop internet censorship, visit:
I █████ by ██████ the █████████, ███████████, and ██████, and All-████, and all the ████ and █████████, ████, █████████ to my ███████ and █████████, I ████ ████ ████ ████ and ████ ███████████.
Well, I STRONGLY OPPOSE all government or commercial idiots trying to do this to "their people" and
support free information - like the wonderful work of the people at Wikipedia!
Apparently the US government - with the help or on initiative of large companies/commercial enterprises - is trying to implement censorship to the information available on the internet.
That sounds PRECISELY like the enhanced censorship the Chinese government has annnounced to apply to their equivalents of twitter etc. (this was on the regular news today) "to protect the society from bad influences".
Sure! Meaning: further enforcing censorship of opinions opposed to the "communist" dictatorship.
Implementing censorship (I can image that for example Microsoft would LOVE to do that!!!) could result in the following. The beginning of the Hippocratic oath censored ->
The Hippocratic Oath
(Original Version)
I've censored the following, in protest of a bill that gives any corporation and the US government the power to censor the internet--a bill that could pass THIS WEEK. To see the uncensored text, and to stop internet censorship, visit:
I █████ by ██████ the █████████, ███████████, and ██████, and All-████, and all the ████ and █████████, ████, █████████ to my ███████ and █████████, I ████ ████ ████ ████ and ████ ███████████.
Well, I STRONGLY OPPOSE all government or commercial idiots trying to do this to "their people" and
support free information - like the wonderful work of the people at Wikipedia!
Happy New Year
A Happy
New Year ....
to all, who may happen to know me or (did) have contact with
suspect, the scanned comic is still copyright protected – although
the comic from which it is scanned is more than 50 years old – but
hope, Charlie Brown, or rather Linus, will forgive me for quoting him
in this way …
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